Tuesday 25 June – Friday 28 June 2024
2.30pm & 5pm
$23 for Schools (Mainstream Primary and Secondary Schools, Junior Colleges and Centralised Institute).
For every 20 student tickets purchased per performance, one complimentary teacher ticket will be issued. The complimentary offer is only available for purchases made in a single transaction for the same show title.
SPED schools: For every 10 student tickets purchased per performance, two complimentary teacher tickets will be issued. The complimentary offer is only available for purchases made in a single transaction for the same show title.
Homeschool Groups and International School: To make a booking, please contact Esplanade Box Office at 6828 8389 or email boxoffice@esplanade.com.
For enquiries, email education@esplanade.com.
To find out more and book tickets for your students, visit this webpage.
Tote Board Arts Grant
All Secondary Schools, Junior Colleges / Centralised Institute & ITEs may use the Tote Board Arts Grant to subsidise up to 50% of the programme cost.
All SPED Schools may use the Tote Board Arts Grant to subsidise up to 70% of the programme cost.
For more details, please contact Esplanade Box Office at 6828 8389 or email boxoffice@esplanade.com.
event details
Tuesday 25 June – Friday 28 June 2024
2.30pm & 5pm
$23 for Schools (Mainstream Primary and Secondary Schools, Junior Colleges and Centralised Institute).
For every 20 student tickets purchased per performance, one complimentary teacher ticket will be issued. The complimentary offer is only available for purchases made in a single transaction for the same show title.
SPED schools: For every 10 student tickets purchased per performance, two complimentary teacher tickets will be issued. The complimentary offer is only available for purchases made in a single transaction for the same show title.
Homeschool Groups and International School: To make a booking, please contact Esplanade Box Office at 6828 8389 or email boxoffice@esplanade.com.
For enquiries, email education@esplanade.com.
To find out more and book tickets for your students, visit this webpage.
Tote Board Arts Grant
All Secondary Schools, Junior Colleges / Centralised Institute & ITEs may use the Tote Board Arts Grant to subsidise up to 50% of the programme cost.
All SPED Schools may use the Tote Board Arts Grant to subsidise up to 70% of the programme cost.
For more details, please contact Esplanade Box Office at 6828 8389 or email boxoffice@esplanade.com.
It’s International Friendship Day at MPSS but friendship seems to be the last thing on the students’ minds.
While the foreign students Adi, Anton and Liqin are questioning what to showcase at their booths and why there isn’t one for the local students, the Drama Club boys are unhappy about them not putting any effort towards the much-anticipated Singapore Youth Festival (SYF).
Meanwhile, Carys is facing pressure at home for losing her spot as the school’s top Maths student.
Will she lose her top spot to an international scholar?
Will the Drama Club boys get the foreigners to join in the chorus?
Will Adi get the booth of his choice?
Written by Cultural Medallion recipient Haresh Sharma and directed by TNS' Associate Artist Lim Shien Hian, International Friendship Day promises an invigorating and engaging interactive theatre experience for youths to explore and understand cross-cultural differences.
International Friendship Day was first commissioned by Singapore Kindness Movement in 2015 and was restaged as part of Peer Pleasure 2016 and as an online interactive experience under Esplanade’s Feed Your Imagination 2021.
It is supported by the National Arts Council as part of the NAC School Arts Excursion Programme.
Directed by Lim Shien Hian
Written by Haresh Sharma
Performed by Cheryl Ho, Irsyad Dawood, Masturah Oli and Tejas Hirah
Facilitation led by Reginal Allyn and Sindhura Kalidas
Lighting Designer: Tai Zi Feng
Sound Designer: Vick Low
Learning Objectives
- Explore issues related to integration between Singaporean and non-Singaporean students
- Develop a sense of empathy and compassion for others
- Acquire empowerment skills to enact positive changes